Thursday, January 29, 2009

German Toothpaste 20090129

German Toothpaste

My sister brought back toothpaste from Germany. That's her hobby. She likes to try tooth paste from different countries. At first, I didn't even know how to open them. There is a key/lock system. I failed that test. On her 2nd visit to Vancouver, she showed me how to open. You use the top of the lid to open the lock which prevents tampering. Genius! When I finally got to try it...I was impressed. It has a nice balance of mediciny, refreshing scent and texture. Almost perfect. Better than anything from North America or Korea. Nice to try new things and liking it!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Poo 20090124

Woke up in the middle of the night around 2:00 am with a need to poo. I sat on the toilet in darkness because I didn't want to put on the lights to read. I sat there for about 5 minutes but no poo. Usually, when I need to poo I poo without hardly any wait. I thought about what I ate the night before and during the day. Fat burger combo for late lunch and stir fry noodles for dinner last night. Had an ice cream bar and red globe grapes for snack.

After staying up late and watching TV, I woke up around 1:oopm this afternoon. I was able to poo while reading a book I borrowed from the library. It's surprisingly an interesting and good book - The Hive by Camilo Jose Cela.